Monday, June 1, 2009

Herman Miller Office Chairs with Posture Fit

The differences between a normal office and a Herman Miller luxury office chairs are endless. However, the most important difference is the health benefits.

Above is the Herman Miller Aeron loaded with posturefit. Posturefit provides a natural and custom fitted support for the lower back (below the beltline) for health posture and lower back support. The high and wide contoured back actually takes the weight off of the lower spine for support and comfort.

Working in the office all day, at a desk, performing repetitive tasks can be very detrimential to your health. This chair not only incorporates lower spine support but is also easy on the arms and reduces pressure under the thigh for increased blood circulation.

So how did this amazing technology come to be? In November of 2000 Brian Walker, Herman Miller North America President, called Dr. Brock Walter, a back care specialist. Working together with Bill Stumpf, co-desiger of the Aeron chair, the Aeron was born.

Finally, enjoy sitting at your desk for once. Ready to try something new? From name brand luxury office chairs to our own Esca Designs we are sure you will find something amazing to not only make your house or office a home but give it a little style. Visit our website at and taking an active role in personalizing your space!


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